
实芳 created this sample page in the Setup Wizard of the Tag Groups plugin. You can safely edit and delete it or keep it for future reference.

The following shortcodes use a variety of parameters so that you can get an idea of the options. Feel free to generate a new sample page with more features after upgrading the plugin.

Please find links to the documentation in the Tag Groups settings.

Tabbed Tag Cloud

[tag_groups_cloud custom_title=”We have {count} posts for this tag.” hide_empty=0 hide_empty_tabs=1] 

Accordion Tag Cloud

[tag_groups_accordion separator=”|” prepend=”#” hide_empty=0 mouseover=1 heightstyle=content hide_empty_content=1]

Alphabetical Tag Cloud

[tag_groups_alphabet_tabs exclude_letters=”äöüß” hide_empty=0 smallest=16 largest=24]

Tag List

[tag_groups_tag_list prepend=”#” hide_empty=0 smallest=16 largest=16]

Alphabetical Tag Index

[tag_groups_alphabetical_index exclude_letters=”0123456789″ hide_empty=0 smallest=16 largest=16]

Created by Chatty Mango’s Tag Groups plugin